In these days smartphones have turned out to be one of the most important technical devices available to the average consumer. They have become a tool for communication that can be used for much more than simply making phone calls. The development of the applications – so called apps – has got a deep impact on our daily life. The cell phone is also called the 7th mass medium and it allows people to connect with each other whenever they want.
In this project Fabien Prioville wants to investigate the use of smartphones during a dance performance. Usually people need to turn off their phones once they enter the venue. Yet, in this piece Fabien lifts the ban and invites the audience to download an app from the Android or Apple store in order to communicate with the dancers during the show.
Concept: Fabien Prioville
Choreography and Dance: Fabien Prioville, Pascal Merighi
Performance: Florence Minder
Lighting Design: Michael Götz
Sound: Stefan Fuss
Research and Development: Dr. Leif Oppermann, Constantin Brosda, Clemens Putschli, Oleksandr Lobunets (Fraunhofer FIT)
Management / PR: Alexandra Schmidt
A production of Fabien Prioville Dance Company in co-production with tanzhaus nrw and the Ballet National de Marseille. A co-operation with Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology. Subsidized by the Ministry for Family, Children, Youths, Culture and Sports of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Kunststiftung NRW, the Office for Cultural Affairs of the State Capital of Düsseldorf and the City of Wuppertal as well as Stiftung van Meeteren.